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Music at Highfield

We are one of very few primary schools in the country to have our own school Orchestra! 

Here they are performing a concert at Christmas. 


We offer music lessons to every child in the junior department! This includes a wide range of instruments to suit all musical talents! 


We take our children on lots trips and visits to widen pupil's music experience!

Here are our year 5 and 6 pupils at the Portsmouth Guildhall where they enjoyed a wonderful concert performed by the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra. The children loved seeing all the musicians play a variety of pieces - including a few familiar ones such as Hedwig's Theme from the Harry Potter movies! The highlight of the afternoon was joining in with a song that had been composed for the event using our voices, actions and body percussion, accompanied by the full orchestra!

We took children to the Turner Sims to watch a jazz concert! The children were inspired and even got to take part in some of the songs. 


Each week we have live music in our junior assemblies! Our talented pupils play instruments as the other children come into assembly! We have a number of talented musicians who play a range of instruments from the piano to the harp!



Music is integrated into all aspects of school life. Here is Bertie who is part of the National Youth orchestra. He played beautifully during our Remembrance day learning. 


Here are some pupils from years 3 and 4, exploring Tudor music!