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Friends – How contributions have been spent

The new reception area in the Junior Department has provided the school with a large purpose built space in which to welcome pupils, parents and visitors. We also have enhanced security in this area.

There is a new purpose built classroom in the Junior Department that can be used by whole classes, groups or individuals. The pupils have named this the ‘Rainbow Room’.

All of these wonderful improvements have only been possible when our applications for funding have been supported by contributions raised through the Friends of Highfield CE Primary School.

A huge thank you to all parents who have supported the school in the past.

Future plans include developing the facilities in the Infant Department and creating a new Art and DT area at the Juniors.

The school needs to maintain your support in order to obtain the funding.

You can make a contribution in one of the following ways:
By Standing Order – this is a great way to make regular contributions either monthly, quarterly or annually spread over a period of time to suit you.

By Cheque – just make your cheque payable to ‘Friends of Highfield’

By Cash contribution (although making out a cheque is safer) – Please put your contribution in an envelope and send to the School office.

Whatever way you choose to donate, don’t forget to sign the Gift Aid section of the Standing Order form.