Science- Health Warriors!
We had a great time learning about how we keep our bodies healthy with lots of resources from LifeLab.
We had a great time learning about how we keep our bodies healthy with lots of resources from LifeLab.
Well done to all the children in Reception for such a fantastic Christmas performance!
The children had lots of fun learning about octopuses and discussing what they would do if they had one as a pet!
The children learnt about Remembrance Day.
The children enjoyed learning about the celebration of Diwali
As the season starts to change, the children have been learning all about Autumn.
The children learnt the sound 't'
The children in Reception have been working really hard to learn the sound 'm'
The children in Oak and Willow Base have settled in brilliantly.
Year R had a brilliant reading treat!
We looked at subitising in different ways.
In Reception we have been looking at life cycles.