Learning our first phonics sound 'm'
The children in Reception have been working really hard to learn the sound 'm'
The children in Reception have been working really hard to learn the sound 'm'
The children in Oak and Willow Base have settled in brilliantly.
Year R had a brilliant reading treat!
We looked at subitising in different ways.
In Reception we have been looking at life cycles.
The children were Recipricol Racoons and worked together to find out if a number is odd or even.
For Easter, we decorated bonnets and sang spring chicken in the church!
Year R had a fantastic time learning how to ride balance bikes.
The children enjoyed celebrating World Book Day by dressing up as their favourite character.
We had a visit from Lightning Lesley the scientist.
For Culture week, the children in Reception have been visiting different classes to learn about different cultures.
The children enjoyed a morning of junk modelling.